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How To Enjoy Summer Vacation in Recovery Riverside Recovery of Tampa

what are vacationing in recovery

The single most popular path is the use of peer support groups in the community. Having support when you’re away from your home base is important, and even if you’re traveling with loved ones, it’s good to have other people in recovery who can help you if you’re feeling tempted. Once you know where your vacation is taking you, scope out at least one recovery group that you can join at a moment’s notice if necessary.

It’s Hard to Quit

In addition, self-care is a vital foundation for a healthy new identity. At the very least, self-care should include sleep hygiene, good nutrition, and physical activity. Sleep is essential for shoring up impulse control and fostering good decision-making. Another vital element of care during recovery is relapse prevention—learning specific strategies for dealing with cravings, stress, setbacks, difficult situations, and other predictable challenges. Peer or mutual support is not restricted to AA or NA; it is available through other programs that similarly offer regular group meetings in which members share their experiences and recovery skills. SMART Recovery is a secular, science-based program that offers mutual support in communities worldwide as well as on the internet and has specific programming for families.

Contact Your First Step’s National Hotline

Hire a travel agent, tell them your parameters, and see what they deliver. Vacations are designed to be full of spare time, and free time is often the worst thing a recovering addict can find themselves with too much of. Left with all this space, an addict can be tempted to turn to the vices that have always called to them. Instead of looking at vacation as a way to escape from your problems – that is, your addiction and recovery – see it as a way to strengthen your sobriety skills.

The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying a Sober Vacation: Tips for Staying Sober While Traveling

The following list of do’s and don’ts offers practical guidelines to help ensure that your plans are in line with your substance use recovery, and that your vacation time does not interfere with your sobriety. You have the right to politely decline invitations to drink or attend festivities where drinking will likely be happening. If you feel you may be put in a tempting situation, distance yourself from the people you are traveling with or find a way to spend your time that doesn’t involve substances.

Surround Yourself With Supportive Friends and Family

After years of offering flights, we have found that it is both easier & cheaper for you to arrange your flights yourself. Bear in mind that most destinations/hotels have standard check-in times of between 3p – 4p and check out between 10a – 11a. We are happy to offer advice or assistance when you are purchasing your flights. Once confirmed, you’ll receive an email with a personalized link to your reservation. At any point, you can make payments to your account, or you can pay it all off at once.

Set Your Intentions

This is why it’s important to identify the signs of addiction. Going to rehab can help you successfully recover from addiction with a combination of medication and therapy. Treatment also helps you identify any underlying condition that causes the addiction. Addiction can make it impossible to manage your obligations and responsibilities. You’ll often feel like your life is spiraling out of control. Anger is another perfectly normal emotion in recovery (and life in general), but it can become dangerous when handled improperly.

Ask Robin: Tracking Time

Negotiating with oneself for a delay of use, which doesn’t deny the possibility of future use, and then getting busy with something else, capitalizes on the knowledge that cravings dissipate in about 15 minutes. Getting exhausted, skipping meals, or eating junk food lowers your ability to deal vacationing in recovery with triggers healthily. Although it sounds cheesy, a sense of humor can also be a great stress management tool. Laughter reduces stress, boosts endorphins, and allows you to recenter. If you can put some space between yourself and your triggers, you can move forward with more awareness.

One widely used model can be summed up in the acronym CHIME, identifying the key ingredients of recovery. As a fierce proponent of mental health services, Jess believes in the compassionate care and person-centered approach at All Points North. She works to create content that inspires clients and families to advocate for the support they deserve. It’s important to leave room for spontaneity while traveling. After all, you never know where a new adventure will take you. However, planning a morning activity will give you focus and an excuse to head to bed at a reasonable hour if travel companions want to stay out late and party.

Word games are another fun and healthy way to engage your mind. You can also exercise to fill your time and get your endorphins going. Idleness is not ideal in recovery, so keep yourself occupied with healthy new hobbies and activities. Always seek the advice of your physician or other licensed health care provider.

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