How to Get Your Board of Directors on the Same Page

In board meetings directors present their different perspectives and discuss various ideas to reach an agreement. These issues could include the company’s policies, managerial appointments, and even responding to crises. It’s a lot more difficult than it seems to reach an agreement. In reality, it’s almost impossible to make a significant decision without the complete support of your board members and getting them all on the same level can be a difficult endeavor.

The first step is to create a structure that ensures each meeting produces the best results. This includes distributing materials for meetings at least one week prior to the meeting to give attendees time to read and comprehend them. Additionally many boards now follow the practice of holding a brief internal meeting prior to the actual board meeting, where they discuss agenda items prior to the time.

Then, ensure that the purpose of the meeting is clearly defined. This helps keep the discussion focused and facilitate discussion, all the while ensuring that the process of making decisions for the board is transparent.

Additionally, encourage participation by asking for feedback following each meeting. This will help you identify and address any issues in the way your board works and keep them on path to achieving their goals. It is best done via surveys, anonymous polls or facilitated discussions.

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